segunda-feira, junho 22, 2009

You know you have been studying abroad in the UK for a while when... (part II)

26. You have seen old people smiling at you in the street. [N sei!! nc reparei nisso!]

27. You have been asked for "some spare change" by an unknown person. [Y, num pub, p uma mulher com algum mau aspecto, lol]

28. You see 3 kebab shops and 2 indian restaurants in every street. [Y, so true]

29. You've had a Full English Breakfast with bacon, eggs, sausages, beans, etc and you think it's amazing. [N, n tive, mas ainda tou a tempo...]

30. You've had a burger, chips and beans on the same plate. [Y]

31. You've thought more than ten times that the car you have just seen was driven by nobody. [Y]

32. You have tried to destroy the fire alarm at least a couple of times. [N, mas é ridícula a obcessão deles com os incêndios...n percebo]

33. You have wondered about the wildlife present in your carpet. [Y, llllooollll]

34. You see a group of people wearing fancy dresses every time you go out at night. [Y, é cm se fosse carnaval tds os dias!]

35. You have been in a pub next to a really drunk lady, that you think could even be your grandma. [N]

36. You think you're going to visit a palace, a castle or a chapel and you only see a few old stones. [Y]

37. You realize that taking a cab is almost free (according to a certain person from Norway). [N, n é mto caro mas tb n é assim tao barato!]

38. You're outside and don't even notice it's raining anymore, because it is just simply normal to you by now. [Y, e ja nem levo o guarda-chuva qd os dias tao mais nublados...simplesmente ja n interessa! a chuva tb nc matou ng, acho eu!]

39. You realise that any kind of food can be eaten with anything else, no matter how wierd the combination is. [Y, e eles ainda me criticam p comer burgers com arroz! qual é o mal???]

40. You have six months of holidays in a year. [N, not really, e eles tb n, q eu saiba é um mês!]

41. In case you need to get your hands clean, you realise that you only have two options: boil your hands in water near to 90º or see how they become two beauty ice-cubes. [Y, so so true!]

42. You have a sink in your bedroom. [N, n tenho mas numa das casas q vi, havia, efectivamente! e é bastante comun, sim.]

43. You can't buy shoes in any shop because they all smell like feet!! [N, tb n é q ande a experimentar sapatos em todas as lojas, né?]

44. You find machines in pubs in which you can buy condoms, vibrators, lubricant and even a Hair Straightener. [Y, o esticador de cabelo p acaso até é uma boa ideia tendo em consideração o belo clima deste país!]

45. Your house and surroundings are full of rubbish bags because rubbish is collected just once per week. [Y, à sexta-feira! um absurdo]

46. You ask for a double whisky in a pub and the quantity you're given is just ridiculous!! [Y, principalmente se for numa daquelas noites q os clubs "oferecem" bebidas a 1£...é pura água]

47. You see potatoes everywhere, in all different forms and shapes, i.e. boiled potatoes, jacked potatoes, smashed potatoes, chips, crisps, etc. [Y]

48. You realize that burping in the library is something normal. [Y, mas tendo em consideração q p exemplo a biblioteca da mha uni ta aberta 24h, tem bares e sofas...basicamente podes viver lá, logo até é normal!]

49. You realize that no matter how weird the clothes you're wearing are, people just won't care. [Y, bem, n é assim tao linear, mas eu realmente tb n me importo se os outros se importam ou n, pq afinal de contas eles ainda têm pior estilo]

50. You have hoovered your room at least once. [Y, e bastantes mais vezes...odeio carpetes! parece q nc tao "limpas"]

1 comentário:

  1. Acho que ainda gostei mais desta 2ª ronda, principalmente do 33, 44 e 45...ah e quero uma biblioteca como descreve no 48, e tu vê lá se vens daí com o valente pequeno almoço ingles do 29, acho que vais gostar especialmente dos feijões às seria definitivamente dos ovos! LOL
